How do we assist you in the Registered Office Address Service?
Our company secretarial team can provide the registered office address services. To conduct business in Singapore, your company should have a registered office address in the ACRA records.
The registered office address can be used on your business cards, for any other official documents of the company and to receive letters from government bodies, suppliers, banks and customers.
Do you have a registered address in Singapore?
Starting a business in Singapore can be easy and fast when you have a Registered Office (RO) Address ready. We specialize in company incorporation, the appointment of company secretary and nominee director service.
Setting up a Singapore company can be done in a few hours when you have all the relevant documents in place. The concept of efficient business registration is beneficial to both local & foreign entrepreneurs and foreign business entities.
Our team takes care of the regulatory documentation and advise you on licensing (for certain business) to get the company ready to conduct business.
Not knowing the workaround of incorporation and business registration can be expensive, time-consuming and full of hassles for business owners.
How can we assist your business in Singapore?
Using our back-office services bring some benefits which include the following:
1. Leverage on our local tax expertise to maximise tax deductions and to understand tax exemption schemes;
2. Assist on Company Act requirements for company secretarial matters; and
3. Comply with Singapore annual regulatory reporting requirements to ACRA, IRAS and CPF (for payroll processing);
Should you need assistance or would like to find out more about Registered Office Address services in Singapore, please send an email to, and our business advisor will contact you.